Monday, April 13, 2009

Holy Week Musings

During the week of deep spiritual reflection of all the things we have done and Jesus has done for us, I was poring over my books, and, yes, reflecting. Well, I would not really call it reflecting, it was more of...thinking (It's very easy to get distracted when you're reading a textbook).

And so I feel that those random thoughts would be a sufficient come back post for my dear 'ol blogspot.

  • Over the course of years and months, I have transformed into something I used to criticize and look down on. Let the bloody red toenails be the judge. But when I think about it, there isn't anything wrong with painting your nailbeds. It is, after all, yours. It is a way of expressing oneself. It is one's freedom, one's choice. Rainbow fingernails do not mean that a person is a Filipina version of Cerie, neither do black ones mean that she is a rebel out to ruin everyone's life.
  • My happiness is up to me, not to anyone else, but to me. It's funny because I always say that to people and yet I forget.
  • Obstetrics is a difficult subject. Yes, it took me one scanning over my 2 borrowed Pillitteri books to realize that.
  • It's always always better to be safe than sorry.
  • Sometimes, denial is a way of survival.
  • My PHC book (courtesy of Lester) is still untouched and unopened. It needs TLC STAT.
  • I am not a pathetic girl who would lament over someone not liking her. If you don't like me, fine, I don't give a shit. My people pleaser days are over.
  • I really really really want a polaroid. I hope a kind heart out there reads this. You can PM me and ask for my address. LOL.
  • I hate cheese flavored Piattos.
  • I have been stagnant. I haven't been growing and learning new and interesting stuff. I will try to change that. .... Well, that doesn't mean I have to start now now, does it?;p
  • It's not that I hate drama. I just hate all the pains that accompany it.
  • Sometimes, it's easy to forget when you put your mind to it.
  • But it's easier when you have distractions.
  • I love sarcasm. How did I ever forget?
  • I am a free lancer. No one, I repeat, no one gets to decide over what I should or shouldn't do. (Well, maybe for some instances, fine, most instances, my mother does. But for the sake of this post, let's forget that for a while) For that, I am grateful.

And so I am ending this post since it's 10:00 and I haven't studied yet. I will stand firm and hold my ground on this one. I hope I don't stumble.

As for my toes, they're at their natural state at the moment. I think I'm going to keep it that way...for a while anyway.

Monday, April 6, 2009

no, i am not dead yet.

I know it has been ages since my last post, 358 days to be exact. So, yes, I am aware. Painfully aware in fact. But I do not have plans on abandoning this blog --so don't u dare click that delete button!!! ;P

Things have been quite hectic with my 3D life. And it is still now, but I seem to have this disease where, in the peak of my busy days, I decide to do things my way-- this itching of careless abandon and just leaving things be... Anyhoo, this is just a reminder that I am still going to update this from time to time (Yes, even with my other ongoing blogs...See? I do have that DISEASE).

So expect more balderdash from moi.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I was on duty as usual as a spy/detective/secret agent, was bored to death and had nothing to report back to our headquarters. I was on my usual spontaneous visiting of places when I got the chance to pass by this group of people that gave me a fresh paper and new Parker fountain pen to write their scandalous work during thier duty on NICU/DR of, well, I'm not THAT lax of my data.
However, the scenes I've caught should be taken a second look.
Student Nurses Caught in the Act

Here is a look of one of the "crazier" student nurses of the batch.
There will be denial, but you be the judge.

The Door

The door that will soon be squirted with blood and goodness knows what else.

And shouts of mercy will be heard.

From what you may ask...

Believe me, you don't want to know.


This is the crib where the newborns are put in to while the ones in charge bring them to the NICU to have their very first taking care of. The question is, are they really taken care of?


This group of nursing students was, I believe, given specific instructions not to use cellphones during their 8-hour shift. And believe me, txting and calling would be quite a problem since there was no signal in their area.

But this was not a problem to our little nurses...

They were here to chat after all.

The cellphone craze lives on...

And to those who were bored to tears decided to use their tears in a more productive way. That is, by reading novels [another violation, i believe].
Yes, with the "sterile" mask still on.

And this is one of the terrifying and disturbing parts. Check it yourself.

Scary, right?

These are shots of a student trying to be the next commercial model of Pepsi. Talk about horror.


Oh yeah, they also took care of the newborns when they were not so busy doing "other" stuff

And those who had "pre and post-precedure" shots...

But sadly there were those who willingly had their foolishness documented...

**This is written by a crazy but hot anonymous "detective". Those written here may be fictional. Or real. Who knows? But one thing is for sure, the pictures speak for themselves.

Monday, March 31, 2008


I don't want to sleep tonight for I miss you. For some reason I cannot comprehend I long to hear your voice telling me of the harshness of this world. I'm dying to see your long lost forgotten smile.

And I cannot sleep. I don't want to for tonight I miss you. And tomorrow is a promise of not remembering you. The bitter memories of the past would make me numb of your existence or used-to-be existence. And I don't want to wake up to that. I want to stay missing you. Because I know I should. And I do. I do miss you, I think I forever will. But reality really bites.

And I'll forever love you, even if you never felt the same way. I know how you preferred her over me. I know that when you were saying you pitied her, you were really wishing she was your own. And I don't want to cry over someone who didn't want me. I can do better.

Except I see your last look, the empty eyes. I remember how you reached your hand, asking me to hold it. I see the blood and I hear your labored breathing. And I can't help but cry.

Monday, March 17, 2008

more "me"

i got addicted. perfect time really. big tests tomorrow. oh well.

You Are Austin

A little bit country, a little bit rock and roll.

You're totally weird and very proud of it.

Artistic and freaky, you still seem to fit in... in your own strange way.

Famous Austin residents: Lance Armstrong, Sandra Bullock, Andy Roddick


You Have Low Self Esteem 72% of the Time

You tend to blame yourself when things go wrong, regardless of whether it's your fault or not.

You're anxious to please others and rely too much on their opinions. Learn to please yourself first, and your confidence will soar.


Your Personality Profile

You are dependable, popular, and observant.

Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.

In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.

You are unique, creative, and expressive.

You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.

And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!


You are Barefoot!

You're a total free spirit, go with the flow girl

You can't be restricted by shoes for very long

And unsuprisingly, the same goes for men

Your match is out there - and he's as carefree as you are

not a plebian. more like a uh, free spirited person. haha.

You Are Gonzo the Great

"Is something burning in here? Oh, it's just me."

You're a total nutball who will do anything for attention.

The first to take a dare, you'll pull almost any stunt.

You're one weird looking creature, but your chickens don't mind!

i knew it! i have ADHD. You see I was oh, a butterfly!

You Are a Caramel Crunch Donut

You're a complex creature, and you're guilty of complicating things for fun.

You've been known to sit around pondering the meaning of life...

Or at times, pondering the meaning of your doughnut.

To frost or not to frost? To fill or not to fill? These are your eternal questions.

aha! it is true folks. i am the reincarnation of Confucius [minus the Chinese look]. i am indeed a pheelosoper. yup. also a speler.

The Part of You That No One Sees

You are balanced, peaceful, and sincere.

You're the type of person who goes along to get along.

And you're definitely afraid of rocking the boat.

Underneath it all, you fear your world is falling apart.

You'll put up with a situation that you don't like in fear of changing it.

Disruptive and forceful people intimidate you - and sometimes exploit you.

ooh. i see.

You Are 80% Bipolar

You're more than moody - you're a bit unstable.

If your mood swings are effecting your life, you may need to seek help.

starry starry night paint your palettes blue and grey...

Your Geek Profile:

Fashion Geekiness: High

Movie Geekiness: High

SciFi Geekiness: Moderate

Academic Geekiness: Low

Internet Geekiness: Low

Music Geekiness: Low

Gamer Geekiness: None

Geekiness in Love: None

General Geekiness: None

oh, gery's is on. gotta go.

quick post

so i saw potato's blogthings and i decided to post one too but with my fave color - green (what else?)! haha.

You Are Emerald Green

Deep and mysterious, it often seems like no one truly gets you.

Inside, you are very emotional and moody - though you don't let it show.

People usually have a strong reaction to you... profound love or deep hate.

But you can even get those who hate you to come around. There's something naturally harmonious about you.